Firstly I would like to wish all our members a very safe and happy holiday season and I thank you all for your contributions and support during the year.
As the year draws to a close I would like to reflect on the year that was, 2017:
- We kicked off the year in Feb with Challenges and Wonders of Post with Emmy award winner JJ Jameson
- In April we visited the Zoo for the screening of Wildscope on an 80’ screen in 5:1 aspect ratio
- We held the NAB stayers event at Gilroy’s pub, St Leonards
- In May we held the Post NAB event at Telstra with guest speakers from NEP and NETWORK NINE
- June we went to Pyrmont for a tour of Audinate with an overview of Dante, another great Aussie invention
- In July we held the 4 day SMPTE17 Conference and Exhibition
- July we held the biennial SMPTE Gala dinner at Cockle Bay Wharf
- November we went back to Pyrmont for a tour of Riot Games
- December we held the annual Christmas dinner at Riley St Garage, not quite free but heavily subsidised.
- SMPTE also conducted many live and free webcasts covering education and standards
- SMPTE ST2110 was released to market, along with a supporting training course
We are always open to new ideas for topics, site visits, and for future meetings so please forward your suggestions through and we will work hard to make it happen.
Thanks to those who responded to our SMPTE17 Survey. We will be taking your feedback and suggestions on board during our planning phase for SMPTE19.
There are a few people who were recognised this year or have new roles for next year.
- Geoff Healy – a SMPTE Fellow – received an OAM on Australia Day for his contribution to the TV industry. Many of you know Geoff from his days at Seven working on Race Cam or at the Sydney Olympics as head of SOBO.
- John Walsh and Dave Wheeler were formally recognised for their contribution to the society at the annual awards night in Hollywood.
- Peter Stavrianos and Kathy Anne McManus have stepped down from our section board and I thank them both for their contributions.
- Anna Lockwood, Andrew Seale and Catherine Turner joined the board
- John Maizels is stepping down as Regional Governor at the end of this month and
- Ward Hansford will be stepping into this role from January 1st, 2018
- John Maizels moves into a new role as Membership Director for International Sections
I’d also like to thank you, our members, for your support during 2017 and wish you and your families a safe and Merry Christmas.
Paul Broderick
Chair Australia Section