Tuesday 15th March – Thursday 17th March

The Pandemic is currently disrupting many of us across Australia and in the South Pacific just as we thought we were all heading in a good direction to all meet again in person.
The key thing for us at SMPTE, is that we want to ensure all our members and friends have a safe and enjoyable time at METexpo. Given the current challenging conditions in Sydney, we have made the decision to shift our event to early next year, so you can feel confident and comfortable in coming to our show and conference.
We are still really excited about our packed conference program, which includes several new and exciting features. A huge thanks to our presenters who are locking in for March 2022. With rapidly rising vaccination levels, the talk of a growing list of travel bubbles and the community confidence of a positive start to 22, we believe we have made a choice that you will be very happy with.
Here is a taster of what we have planned for media professionals, technologists and engineers.
- 3 days of conference and industry innovation show, with two social events open to all
- A fresh-looking exhibition featuring industry favourites and leading innovators
- A full day of for the screen industry across business, production and post
- Brand new Business of Media panels featuring thought leaders from the ABC, SCA, Nova, Deluxe, Seven Media, Telstra, AWS, SPA and more
- A full day dedicated to the craft of audio, aimed at mentoring sound practitioners
- The Women in M&E and their Allies breakfast
- Our first SMPTE METexpo awards, celebrating inspiring professionals from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific.
- Global insights from our SMPTE keynote events
- Our innovation Hub showcasing start-ups and innovators from Fishburner and others
- Enjoy our partner events with the Sydney Video Technology Meet Up and SVGW
I know we have needed to switch dates for the second time; however, we think it is better to let you know now, so you have a fantastic event to kickstart 22. We can’t wait to see you in March next year, so please do register now for the show and conference.

Purchase conference tickets at Flash Sale Price
Register for entry to the METexpo show
find out more at www.metexpo.com.au and for look at our FAQs below
Frequently asked questions
Why have you moved the date of METexpo?
Creating a Covid safe environment is very important for us. Leading up to the show we will naturally follow any health guidelines and directives that are in place. As NSW deals with the current outbreak, we wanted to ensure we have both a safe and social event. We believe that moving the event to September will offer the best opportunity to deliver a quality event.
What If I have already bought a ticket for METexpo in August or September?
Any tickets you have already purchased will be valid for the new dates in March 2022 and you don’t need to do anything to transfer your membership. If you are unable to visit on the new dates we can offer alternative approaches and, if these don’t work for you, we can arrange a refund.
With Covid lockdowns still a possibility, what happens if Sydney locks down again in March?
We certainly hope this won’t be the case, with the greater number of people vaccinated. If however this was to happen, we will naturally follow any health guidelines and directives that are in place at the time of the show. We will work to ensure that we can deliver as much of the conference as we are able.
What happens if I buy a conference ticket and my travel from interstate, New Zealand or the Pacific Island is blocked because of a lockdown?
We will naturally follow any health guidelines and directives that are in place at the time of the show. We will work to ensure we can deliver as much of the conference as we are able, including solutions if participants can’t travel because of health restrictions.
I may not be able to attend the conference in person, is there virtual access to the live conference?
METexpo is being run as an in-person event, as our members and stakeholders expressed a clear wish to have the best opportunity to share knowledge and connect face-to-face. We are considering some virtual options, except in the case of health restrictions.
What are your special prices for the conference?
We’d really like you to be able to attend and experience METexpo 22, so we have extended our ‘flash sale’ price. This cost is $499 for members and $699 for non-members (saving almost $300). That’s an amazing deal compared to the full price of $750 for members and $985 for non-members.
Non-member prices include an option for complimentary 2 SMPTE year membership.
What are your student prices?
We have highly reduced prices for students. The flash price is just $60, the earlybird cost is $70 and the full price is $80. That gives you entry to the entire three-day program.
I am not a SMPTE member, but I am a member of a guild; can I get any discount on my conference pass?
We have arranged partner pricing for a number of guilds. If this applies to your guild they will promote what this is and how to apply for this. There is a guild discount box on the ticket platform.
Can I access individual sessions of the conference?
Yes, you can. Individual sessions can be purchased at $90 for members and $99 for non-members.
Can I buy a bundle of tickets?
The best value is the flash pricing for the conference if you sign up right now. If you wish to buy a bundle of 6 conference session tickets it will be only $515 for members and $565 for non-members.
I am a member who would like to volunteer to help with the conference and show.
We are delighted with SMPTE members who want to make the event a success. As a voluntary organisation, every offer of assistance is greatly appreciated. You can volunteer by contacting us: I would like to volunteer. As a thank you for your support we provide some great benefits to volunteers.