One of your great challenges with new technology is: how do you get a start on both the topic and the terminology? We reached out to a group of thought-leaders on two of the most important topics at the SMPTE17 conference to provide some quick-bite discussions to help.
Each session addressed two subjects in slightly different ways:
- impending migration from SDI to IP infrastructure, which is going to change the way we can use facilities and OBs, and
- High Dynamic Range which brings new life to the user experience but provides significant challenges for creatives, engineers, and operators – especially in live TV.
The replays are here!!
Why watch the replays? Because even though the conference is over, the points in the webinar sessions were really food for thought.
Part 1: The before-lunch session:
Paul Briscoe SDI to IP: what is essence, timing and synchronisation?
Pat Griffis HDR: let “scene based metadata” just roll off your tongue
Part 2: The around-dinner session:
Matthew Goldman Migrating to IP – a primer: learn the lingo
Klaus Weber HDR workflow for live: TV is different to cinema