SMPTE Australia Section invites its members and guests to an LTE-B demonstration and presentation by Andrew Phelagti, General Manager of Media Enterprise in Telstra.
6:00pm Thursday 4th October
Telstra is enabling LTE broadcast (LTE-B) technology throughout its network, allowing real-time live content to be multicast to all viewers on a cell site instead of each viewer requiring an independent stream. With the ongoing expansion of the content delivery ecosystem and the need to deliver live content across multiple platforms and locations, Andrew Phelagti will explain what LTE-Broadcasting is, the main concept and the challenges for operators to deliver live content across a mobile network at scale, and how this technology is being leveraged by Telstra to manage the growing demand for mobile data and video.
During his career, Andrew has worked across multiple emerging technologies and large scale platforms. He has vast experience in broadband networks, content delivery and analytics, leveraging innovative technologies to drive an improved and differentiated customer experience.
Join us at the Telstra CIC on 400 George Street, Sydney for this insightful session looking at the new “Free” to air broadcasting technology.
This session has limited numbers and preference will be given to SMPTE Members.
Telstra CIC
Level 2
400 George St
Sydney NSW 2000
Places are limited, so please register here