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Scan or click here to join the Australia Section mailing list

To which list do I belong?

If you’re a paid member of SMPTE then you’re most likely on at least two lists:  the main database held by the Society, and the local list maintained by the Section through Constant Contact.   They are quite separate lists (for a whole heap of reasons that we won’t go into, but if you’d like to help the webmaster then drop a line).

So let’s see if we can make this painless.

If you need to update your SMPTE Member record…

Your society membership records can be updated through the global website member login page.  Click through the link, log on and then update your details.   There are help tabs in case you’ve forgotten your password or username.  If that doesn’t work, then you can contact the memberships management team directly.

To join, update, or leave the Australia Section list and…

1. you’re not on the list

Then shame; you’re most likely missing out.  If you’re not on our list already, then click the button

and add yourself.  Or, at any time you’re on the home page just fill in the form on the right.  Either way that will keep you abreast of Section Meetings, Australia/New Zealand news and activity, and other majorly important stuff.   We promise that you won’t be spammed and we don’t share our list.

2. you’re on the list but some info is wrong

If you’re already on the list (you will have received mail via Constant Contact) then each note has a link at the bottom where you can update the information that is in the database.

3. you wish to leave the SMPTE Australia Section mailing list

You’re kidding, right?  OK, we understand and respect your choice.  At the bottom of each Constant Contact note there is a link which allows you to opt out. Just click that link, and it will happen.  If it doesn’t, then let us know.