Michael Reeves of Dolby® & Stuart Monksfield of Mojo Media Solutions invite SMPTE
Members & Guests to a technology showcase of Dolby’s PRM-4200 Professional
Reference Monitor. Sydney session: Thursday 1 September at 1800.
These SMPTE Section Meetings will be the first time the Dolby PRM monitor has been seen in Australia, and
this is your opportunity to learn all about the incredible technology and great time and care Dolby
have put into developing it.
Come and judge for yourself if the PRM-4200 is a viable replacement those much loved but no
longer manufactured Sony BVM crt’s, and share a glass or two with your peers at the same time.
Sydney SMPTE Event
Thursday 1st September
6.00pm for a 6.30pm start
Bldg 53A, Fox Studios Australia
Driver Avenue
Moore Park
Please RSVP to: stuart@mojomediasolutions.com

And you might have missed the Melbourne SMPTE Event
Tuesday 30th August
6.00pm for a 6.30pm start
Digital Pictures
180 Bank Street
South Melbourne