screen-shot-2011-05-18-at-80556-pmCall for Papers submissions for SMPTE11 will remain open until Midnight Australian Eastern time on 20th May.

SMPTE11 is now using the EDAS registration system to ensure smooth handling of papers.

To submit a paper, session or panel idea for consideration, please register with EDAS, and then follow the prompts. The SMPTE11 conference registration may be accessed directly at:

SMPTE11 has three conference tracks: if you are submitting on behalf of ACS or AES, please select the appropriate track on the “Submit paper” tab. This helps us with managing the submissions, but does not restrict your choice of topic in any way.

Read the Call for Papers document which you can download from:

In addition there is a list of suggested topic areas within EDAS, and the opportunity to suggest an additional topic if it’s not on the list. We value your creativity.

Initial submissions with synopsis need to be received by 7 May 2011. Manuscripts and final presentations will be requested once your submission has been confirmed and scheduled.

If you have questions about the Call For Papers process, please contact:

The Conference program will be released towards the end of May, and the online link will be made available on this page.